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Rankins Dragon in oklahoma city for sale pet

How to Care for Your Rankins Dragon

Rankins dragons (Pogona henrylawsoni) are small- to medium-sized diurnal, terrestrial lizards that can be found in central Queensland, Australia. They are restricted to the area’s black soil plains habitats, with sparse, dry…
Pygmy Chameleon for sale

How to Care for Your Pygmy Chameleon

Pygmy chameleons are a group of small, semi-arboreal lizards native to Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, and Somalia. Classified under the Rhampholeon and Rieppeleon genera, these tiny chameleons generally prefer montane forests where they…
painted agama care guide

How to Care for Your Painted Agama

Mountain horned dragons (Acanthosaura capra) are moderate-sized, diurnal, arboreal lizards native to southeast Asia, specifically Cambodia and Vietnam. They prefer tropical forest for habitat and are also known as the “green pricklenape.”…